October 19, 2011

Good Morning DXB: (unexpected) Surprises

There's nothing like a surprise when you really least expect it, and when it's something you actually love. I'm not talking about those days you TRY not to expect it, but you know it's a possibility; like your birthday, valentines day, the day after you and your partner get in a fight and it's not your fault, christmas. The thing about surprises is that if they're actually done right, they give the gift so much more value. While the gift may be somewhat simple, it will always be grand in the receiver's eye. Just like receiving a Kinder Surprise while you're stressed out like Mufasa's mane trying to meet a deadline, which will never happen again because they're no longer on the market! Not even gonna go there. Anyway, unexpected moments always seem to have more of an effect on us. 

Yesterday I received this beautiful bouquet of flowers from two very special friends who have become sisters to me over the years. It was a great surprise a) because they don't live in Dubai, and  b) mainly because it wasn't on any specific occasion. I've always loved roses that are a rose-pink color rather than red, and don't always find them. I get so happy every time I pass them, and reminded how lucky I am. 

How often do you surprise someone with an unexpected surprise?

Happy Wednesday xx

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