July 17, 2012

Spiritual Thought of the Day

"ask yourself this simple question. would you rather talk about your negative feelings and focus and grow more negative feelings or would you rather feel good? if you believe that talking about negative feelings, always "airing" your problems and complaints relieves them, you're wrong. for a while, their energy seems to be gone, but if you have not turned from that and done something else more positive in the meantime, they will return, and you know it. you know they return and need to be aired again and again, until you "decide" to stop talking about them. you can spend as much time as you want talking about your negative feelings, but the more time you spend doing so, the greater portion of your life you will spend in what becomes a very unproductive and dangerous habit. you will have spent a lot of time in the 'dug out' and waste a lot of your psychic energy. move on."

Growing the Positive Mind by Dr. William K. Larkin

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