May 19, 2012

a pirates life is a life for me

a little peak into an adventure i took off the coastline of oman to musandam, which juts out into the strait of hormuz at the entrance to the persian gulf. it turned out to be such a memorable trip that definitely beat the monotonous set of weekends i'd been enduring in dubai. you know, the ones that really challenge your alcohol tolerance in a club with a burnt out excitement fuse and misleading social skills. the only con to such a fun weekend is the need to continuously match the excitement of each ensuing weekend to it. enjoy the photo timeline below:
we faced some angry waters, but luckily i kept everything under control. 
the necessary map for treasure.
the necessary plank for the disobedient.
meet dinghy. he likes to hang out.

we had to fit through that gap, it was an extremely frightful moment. i wish.
i love these frisky free spirits. 
mermaid lagoon. we stayed clear of the commoners.
the water was so inviting i didn't want to get out. nothing beat swimming at night though, with all the phytoplankton. i'll never got bored of those little ravers.
i'm glad i brought my snorkeling gear, that one school of fish was really interesting... not. it's actually amusing to notice how none of the fish are ballsy enough to make their own way. i noticed one try hesitantly, and return. i'm sure it regrets it every minute of its life.
a fruity concoction made with love - not for those with low tolerance i.e. myself.
i cannot begin to explain how perfect this moment was.
what? we just happened to be hanging out up there...
spending some time on land. i must say i'm proud of my photo taking skills. yes fine, and lightroom has great presets blah blah blah.
we did some rock climbing and apparently i meditated (not true) before the ghost of a mountain goat shooed us away. so we settled for a fire and chicken, which was delicious!

the experience at night was unmatched by any other out in nature, for me personally. unfortunately no camera would capture the moment perfectly, but hopefully you have a vivid imagination: pitch black, the sky full of shimmering stars, the moon lighting up the silhouette of the mountains, a beautiful breeze, and four dolphins keeping up with the moving boat by the bow OUTLINED by the glow emitted by all the phytoplankton. i might have shed a tear now that i think about it. wait, yes i did. i didn't want the moment to ever end; i was actually a walking book of cliches. it was like every beautiful feeling in one moment. don't even get me started on the withdrawals.

i highly recommend taking this adventure to musandam before the heat tsunami really strikes. 



  1. Hahahaha I love the pictures!! I wanna go back NOW! It really was one of the most beautiful and memorable experiences.

  2. Ufff Musandam is so incredible; I wish we'd gone out at night when we were there! Another night-time/outdoors experience I can't forget is Petra Treasury all lit up by be honest the place completely let me down in the day time, but at night it gave me goosebumps. If only it had the sea nearby it would be perfect.

    1. Ooooh I can picture it (even though I've never been) candles make everything better :) I'll definitely try to go sometime soon; i've heard a lot of walking is involved? Miss ya x

  3. May, how did you book the boat? I've never been there, but you just tempted me to go down ! I'm so glad you enjoyed Musandam and my hometown Oman :D

    1. You have to go when the weather gets better! Ah no way it is? It's stunning you should be extra proud :) it was a friend's boat so we lucked out. But I know there are a lot of tours you can look into xx

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  4. Musandam khasab has spectacular landscape that is perfect for photography..
