November 6, 2011

What's Eid Al-Adha you say?

Growing up I was always confused about the different Eid's we celebrated. I would consider myself more spiritual than religious; however, I love my religion and learning more about it. I always loved the history of Eid Al-Adha, known as the festival of sacrifice, celebrated approximately 70 days after the end of Ramadan. 

According to Wikipedia (weak I know), the Prophet Abraham was instructed to sacrifice his dearest possession, his only son, to test Abraham's faith in God (Allah). He prepared himself for this sacrifice despite the grief it caused him. When he asked his 13 year old son, Ishmael, for his consent, Ishmael's  reply was, "Father, do what you have been commanded. You will find me, Insha'Allah (God willing), to be very patient." (Who is this kid?!?!? Good luck getting anyone to sacrifice their mobile now a day). Anywho, after both pops and son obeyed God by laying Ishmael under the knife, Allah called out and told them the sacrifice need not be carried out and that his sincere intentions had been accepted. Abraham was then told to replace his son with a ram to sacrifice instead. As a reward for his faith and willingness for Allah, Abraham was given a second son, Is-haaq (Isaac). Beautiful. 

 And there you have it, Muslims celebrate this ultimate act of sacrifice every year during Eid Al-Adha by sacrificing a sheep or a goat and distributing the meat, mainly to the less fortunate. It's tradition to share this special day with friends and family with a yummy feast, in new clothes of course! 

I wish you and your families a blessed and happy Eid xx

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