
January 27, 2013

be less acidic, more alkaline aka just be healthy

i recently found out that my pH balance is completely off and i'm basically a walking mass of acid. i attribute this to the high amounts of dr. pepper, mini m&ms and zaatar w zeit "manakeesh's" i decided should become a staple in my diet. hitting the candy kiosk was a standard part of my mall errands. then again, i don't know who says no to butterfinger bites.

i'm on my second week of healthy eating and am not the biggest fan... yet, but i am feeling much better! there's something about eating healthy that makes you want to reach your highest potential in your lifestyle. of course there's meant to be room to live, and what more satisfying way to do so than good food and yummy drinks. however, the general gist is to enjoy healthy eating for at least the majority of your meals. in any case, it's about a balance. all i know is i severely neglected myself the last 4 months and i definitely felt the side effects. right now there's nothing better than feeling in control of my lifestyle and feeling more energetic by eating well and working out . click here to find out what's alkaline vs acidic. don't freak out and revert to the comfort of facebook just because it seems almost impossible and you need something less dreary on the eyes. as boring as the list looks, there are some delicious meals that can be mustered up. be creative. make better choices this year. 


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