
July 29, 2010

making recycling worth your time

So maybe saving the environment from all those nasty emissions isn't enough motivation to recycle, but what if your efforts help raise money for local charities? Maybe it's been going on for a while and I haven't been attentive, but I just stumbled upon Recycle for Charity - a "community based volunteer driven project that depends on individual voluntary effort to collect recyclable materials and pass it on to recycling companies in exchange for a financial donation for the benefit of well deserved local charities such as Al Manzil and Dubai Autism Center." 

Everyone can participate, just make a deal with people at your office or favorite cafe to start dividing the recyclable materials and set a time during the week to drop them off at one of the collection points. Not only will you be doing something for yourself, but you will be making a difference in someone else's life.

I know I'm not the only one who's not bothered to put in the effort needed to get involved, and yeah Dubai's amazing weather doesn't help... but this is one of those things that just smiling about how good it would be if it was actually done isn't enough and if one person gets involved I'm sure the domino effect would be great. 

July 20, 2010

sunscreen sunscreen and then some

don't regret not using it - tan with care