
October 20, 2009

A film you can't miss!

I didn't get to watch as many films as I would have liked at the Middle East International Film Festival, but out of the ones I did watch I can't get over No one Knows About Persian Cats by Iranian director Bahman Ghobadi.

The film centers around Iran's underground Indie Rock scene and more specifically, a  duo trying to flee Iran's strict laws to Europe to play their music freely. (This description doesn't do it justice).

From the plot to the acting to the soundtrack, everything is pieced together perfectly. Keep your eyes open for it, you'll be just as obsessed.

October 12, 2009

"When life slows down, it's easier to see the beauty in it," from my dearest Dylan. So so true.

October 2, 2009

October 1, 2009

Bring out the Pink Ribbons!

Among the many reasons I love the month of October (my birthday, Halloween, my birthday), I respect it on another level because it celebrates a very worthy cause: Breast Cancer Awareness.

Even though you hear about it daily as it is one of the most common cancers in women, a lot of people don't care to give much attention to it. There are a lot of ways you can help out especially with research by just giving a bit of your time. The Army of Women site provides great information on how to get involved. Please check it out, if you have time to read this you have time to sign up, you will make a world of a difference.

Being aware of breast cancer is vital as it can sneak up not only on women, but men too when you least expect it. While I hope none of you ever cross paths with it, learning more and checking yourselves never hurts.

Best wishes for good health to all xx

September '09 Playlist

Scenic World - Beirut

One More Night - Stars
Submarine Symphonika - The Submarines
Horny Hippies - The Dodos
The Start of Something - Voxtrot
Nantes - Beirut
Us - Regina Spektor
The Pelican Narrows - Caribou
To Build a Home - The Cinematic Orchestra
Tell My Pa - Joshua James
Eyes - Rogue Wave
Comme Des Enfants - Coeur de Pirate
Paper Bag - Fiona Apple
Oh - Micky Green
Ramparts - John Frusciante
The Windows in Paradise - Sufjan Stevens
Come Around - Rosi Golan
Reasons to Love You - Meiko
Fondu au Noir - Coeur de Pirate
Walking Dream - Natalie Walker